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Enjoy the best in Management: Improving Performance of Individuals, Teams, the Business & Yourself Training

Whether you’re a new manager or looking to have more influence in your current management role, the challenges you face come in in all shapes and sizes – a direct report’s anxious questions, your boss’s last-minute assignment, or a blank business case. To reach your full potential in these situations, you need to master a new set of business and personal skills. Managing successfully entails setting and monitoring the performance of individuals, teams, and yourself.

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Management: Improving Performance of Individuals, Teams, the Business & Yourself

This course provides best practices on a wide variety of mission-critical topics such as performance management, understanding key financial statements, the fundamentals of strategy, emotional intelligence, and building your employee’s trust. The class is very hands on: participants engage in numerous exercises specifically tailored to the management discipline to improve their overall effectiveness.

Network+ Training

Course Topics

  • Lesson 1: Managing Individuals – The Critical Importance of Performance Management

    • The Characteristics of Effective Goals
    • Define Employee Goals and Decide How They Are Measured
    • Collaborate with Your Employee to Create a Plan for Moving Forward
    • Make a Habit of Providing Feedback
    • Coach Your Employees to Close Performance Gaps
    • How to Keep Your Employees Motivated
    • Understand Your Employee’s Wants and Needs
    • Expand Your Employee’s Skill Sets
    • Craft a Development Plan
    • How to Develop Someone Who’s Struggling

    Lesson 2: Managing Individuals – Formal Performance Reviews

    • The Case for and Against Annual Appraisals
    • Assess Performance, but Rethink Ratings
    • How to Conduct the Review Conversation
    •   Define New Goals for a New Cycle

    Lesson 3: Managing Individuals – Tough Topics

    • Responding to the Steady Worker
    • Preventing Burnout on Your Team
    • Managing the Performance of Remote Employees

    Lesson 4: Managing Individuals – Delegation and Developing Talent

    • Delegating with Confidence

    o Benefits of Delegation

    o Developing a Delegation Plan

    o Sharing Your Delegation Plan with Your Employees

    o Providing Support

    o Avoiding Reverse Delegation

    • Developing Talent

    o Employee Development as a Priority

    o Creating Career Strategies for Your Staff

    o Developing High-Potential Talent

    o Stretch Assignments

    Lesson 5: Managing Teams

    • Leading Teams

    o Team Culture and Dynamics

    o Managing Cross-Cultural Teams

    o Managing Virtual Teams

    o Productive Conflict Resolution

    • Fostering Creativity

    o Plan a Creative Session

    o Tolls for Generating Ideas

    o Make Sure All Perspectives Are Heard

    o Dealing with Negativity

    • Hiring – And Keeping – The Best

    o Crafting a Role

    o Recruiting World-Class Talent

    o Retaining Employees

    o Motivation and Engagement

    Lesson 6: Managing the Business

    • Strategy: A Primer

    o Your Role in Strategy

    o What is Strategy

    o Developing Your Strategy

    o Leading Change and Transitions

    • Mastering Financial Tools

    o The Basics of Financial Performance

    o Understanding Financial Statements

    o Budgeting

    • Developing a Business Case

    o Stakeholder Perspectives

    o Clarifying the Need and Value

    o Cost/Benefit Analysis

    o Risk Identification and Mitigation

    o Writing Your Business Plan

    o Getting Buy-in from Your Team

    Lesson 7: Managing Yourself

    • Becoming a Person of Influence

    o Positional Versus Personal Power

    o Managing Up

    o Partnering with Your Peers

    o Silo Busting and Effectiveness

    o Promoting Your Ideas

    • Communicating Effectively

    o Finding Your Voice as a Leader

    o Mastering the Written Word

    o Persuasive Presentations

    o Conducting Effective Meetings

    • Personal Productivity

    o Time Management Essentials

    o Finding Focus

    o Stress Management

    o Work-Life Balance

    • Self-Development

    o Career Purpose

    o Looking for Opportunities in Your Organization

    o Feedback from Your Boss and Your Team

    Lesson 8: Develop a Leader Mindset

    • The Transition to Leadership

    o Understanding Your Role as a Manager

    o The Differences Between Leadership and Management

    o Demystifying Leadership

    o Handing the Emotional Challenges of the Transition

    • Building Trust and Credibility

    o Establishing Your Character

    o Demonstrating Your Competence

    o Cultivating Authentic Leadership

    o Ethics and Integrity

    • Emotional Intelligence

    o What is Emotional Intelligence?

    o The Power of Self-Awareness

    o Emotional Steadiness and Self-Control

    o Managing an Employee’s Emotions

    o Building Social Awareness on Your Team

    • Positioning Yourself for Success

    o Redefining Success

    o Understanding Your Organizational Strategy

    o Planning for Strategic Alignment

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Get Management: Improving Performance of Individuals, Teams, the Business & Yourself Certified 

At the same time as you’ll learn new hard skills, you’ll develop important soft skills, including the ability to focus, pay attention to detail, communicate, solve problems, use logic and make correct decisions, plan ahead and do it right the first time, persevere, learn from failure, and adapt to changing conditions, among others.

If you have the capability to learn and the desire to grow, this training program is for you, independent of your formal education.

Systems Operations on AWS

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Be wary of companies that pay external vendors to farm and post reviews, many of them are not authentic. Ours come straight from Google, you can’t alter reviews on Google Maps in any way. Don’t take our word for who we are – hear from our clients:

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We offer more than just Leadership: Making an Impact and Inspiring Your Organization Training

We offer more than just Leadership: Making an Impact and Inspiring Your Organization Training

Our successful training results keep our corporate and military clients returning. That’s because we provide everything you need to succeed. This is true for all of our courses.

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From Lean Six Sigma to PMI Project Management Professional, Agile and SCRUM , we offer the best-in-class strategic planning and project management training available.  We are here to train your team!

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As the leading Offensive Security US training provider, and a CompTIA and EC-Council award-winning training partner.  We offer the best cybersecurity and vendor driven IT training and certification courses to keep your team ahead of the technology skills curve.

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Let us teach your team the high-level traits and micro-level tools & strategies of effective 21st-century leadership.  Empower your team to play to each others’ strengths, inspire others, and build a culture that values communication, authenticity, and community. 

Looking for Leadership: Making an Impact and Inspiring Your Organization Training and Certifications?

And no, we will not relentlessly hound you with sales calls, we promise! Please reach out to us with any questions you might have. We welcome the opportunity to talk through your individual training needs, or that of your team. We are a no pressure, service oriented company. Reach out – you’ll be glad you did!