Advanced Python 3 Programming

Scrum Master Certified (SMC™) professionals have a practical, working knowledge of Scrum that equips them to implement and work in a Scrum environment. The purpose of the exam is to confirm the applicants have achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply Scrum in the projects and to tailor Scrum in a particular scenario.
Advanced Python 3 Programming
Advanced Python 3 Programming

Course Overview

In this Python training course, students already familiar with Python programming will learn advanced Python techniques.  This advanced Python course is taught using Python 3; however, differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are noted.


Advanced Python 3 Programming

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this Python class:

Basic Python programming experience. In particular, you should be very comfortable with:
Working with strings.
Working with lists, tuples and dictionaries.
Loops and conditionals.
Writing your own functions.

Experience in the following would be useful for this Python class:  Some exposure to HTML, XML, JSON, and SQL.

Advanced Python 3 Programming

Course Outline

  • Classes and Objects
    Defining Classes
    The __init__ method
    Keyword Arguments

    Instance Methods
    Adding Arguments to Instance Methods
    The __str__ method
    Static Methods
    Class Methods
    The Property Decorator
    The Setter Method
    Validation via the Setter Method

    The DRY Principle Revisited
    Single Inheritance
    Sub-Classing Classes from Python Packages
    Overriding Methods
    Calling the Parent Method with super()
    Multiple Inheritance
    Method Resolution Order

    The Importance of the Standard Library
    High-Level Modules
    Lower-Level Modules
    Knowing How to Navigate in the Standard Library
    Dates and Times
    datetime Objects

    Interacting with the OS
    OS Information
    Using pathlib
    Listing All Hidden Files in Your Home Directory
    Using the subprocess Module


    Becoming Pythonic
    Using List Comprehensions
    Set and Dictionary Comprehensions
    Comprehensions and Multiple Lists
    Default Dictionary
    One, and Back Again
    Regular Expressions

    Software Development
    Automated Testing
    Test Categorization
    Test Coverage
    Writing Tests in Python with Unit Testing
    Writing a Test with pytest

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Advanced Python 3 Programming Training Started

Scrum is a rapidly growing profession and an increasingly demanded area of expertise. It is expected that over 1.57 million Scrum jobs will be created through 2021, creating strong demand for certified practitioners. 

Advanced Python 3 Programming

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