Enjoy the best in Introduction to Visual Basic Training

The course provides participants with a thorough introduction to Visual Basic for Excel. Participants learn how to record macros and subsequently tidy the code, as well as how to write simple macros directly in the Visual Basic Editor

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Introduction to Visual Basic

Also covered are loops and IF statements, creating message boxes, debugging, error handling and best practice recommendations. By attending the course, participants will gain an appreciation of when using macros is beneficial and how we can work with them in a safer and more user-friendly manner.

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Course Objectives

The course is designed to cover the following key objectives: 

    • Understand the types of actions that VBA can be used for 
    • Learn how to record a macro and tidy the code 
    • Become familiar with different parts of the VBA Editor 
    • Understand the language of Visual Basic to a beginners level 
    • Know what objects, methods and properties are and how we work with them 
    • Be able to code simple macros comprising of IF statements and Loops 
    • See different methods of debugging i.e., checking for and fixing errors in the code 
  • Obtain guidance on best practice approaches when working with VBA


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Course Outline

During the course, the following areas will be covered: 


Introduction to VBA 

What VBA can be used for, the types of actions that can be performed and example uses of macros in financial models. 



Techniques that can be used to test for and ix errors in the code. 


Recording macros 

How to record them and subsequently tidy up the code.


Best practice rules for when working with macros 

Guidelines that should be followed such as using direct referencing, commenting the code and applying range names. 


The key building blocks of Visual Basic 

The various windows in the Visual Basic Editor and working with objects, properties, and methods.



Declaring variables and using them to store values. 


Logical statements 

Working with ‘If’ and ’Select case’ statements. 



Working with ‘For … Next’, ‘For each … Next’, ‘Do while’ and ‘Do until’ loops. 


Message boxes 

Setting them up and the benefits they can bring. 


Other VBA features 

Such as ‘Auto open’ macros, changing Excel’s calculation mode and updating the status bar.


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A good understanding of Excel and some experience of financial modelling is required. Participants are not expected to have a background in programming or to have used VBA before.

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